2013년 11월 14일 목요일

Photographers Ask High Court to Reverse Gay Discrimination Ruling

    Two photographers, Jonathan and Elaine Huguenin, asked the Supreme Court to ask the New Mexico Courts to offer services to gay couples. The two photographers are wedding photograph company owners. They claim that they have the rights to take photos of gay couples even though the state government does not allow it. They say that being gay couples is people's rights.
    According to the New Mexico State rule, it is unlawful for "a public accommodation to deny services to someone because of the person's sexual orientation."
Nowadays same-sex couples are considered as another group of people being discriminated. They say that it is their choice to love and be same-sex couples. I totally disagree with same-sex couples, but this is what's going on in the world today.


댓글 5개:

  1. Since I did not study about GAYS, I do not know about them. For right now, I have really negative perspective on them. I do not like them. I do not understand. That is dirty. That is how I feel. Right of gays?... Well... I do not know.

    Chris Choi

  2. I also disagree with same-sex couples, but I don't know how to defend my opinion. Especially, I don't understand them. To me, loving others who is same sex with me is impossible.

  3. I eventually happen to have few gay friends, and it is very hard to understand them. But I think it is important to not to hurt their feelings just because we think differently.

  4. Of course, morally, we cannot understand their position nor their opinions about their perspectives. But, in an objective perspective, even though the government and the constitution is based on Christian basis, there is no mention of banning gay rights nor it says "all people" should have equal rights, which allows them to have rights to do so.

  5. Actually, in the Bible, the homosexuality is never acceptable. However, these days people who are wanting to marry with same sex, want the rights to marry. I seriously disagree because it will cause many diseases and other problems.
